From the factory, the 1934 Ford Coupe Model 40B was available in both 5-window coupe and the rarer 3-window body style, even though nearly all of the underbody workings and measurements were identical. They could be bought in either Standard or Deluxe trim, depending the buyer��s need for personal luxury or added amenities. Under the hood of the 1934 Ford was the 221ci flat-head V8 engine with a 3.0625in bore and 3.75in stroke that produced 85hp. Ford sold a total of 28,492 units of the standard 3-window coupe and 27,956 Deluxe 3-window coupes.
??????????? Returning from WWII and getting back to work with some money in their pockets, Americans discovered a new rodding. The 1930s-era Ford was ripe for the picking. By the late 1940s, the Model Bs and Model 18s were well over a decade old, making them cheap to buy with parts readily available. Hot rodders bought them up in droves wrenching in their garages turning these once-tame suburban coaches into fire-breathing monsters! The hot rodding trend continued strong well into the 1960s. Even today, the 1934 Ford 3-window coupe remains one of the most sought-after hot rodding platforms.